
Albella is located in Kalimpong in northern India. It is a home for Nepali and some Indian and Tibetan boys who have been orphaned or are from very poor families. They provide schooling for the younger boys and skills training for those not going onto higher education. The church sponsors three boys.

  • Profile photo of an elder

    Andrew Chan


    Andrew became a Christian while he was studying for a degree in London. He was involved in the Chinese Church...

  • Peter Cranch


    Peter is married to Debbie and they have four young children. He became a Christian when he was nine years...

  • Wayne Dixon

    UK (CCiS)

    Wayne works for Christian Connections in Schools (CCiS) in Maidenhead, Windsor and Slough. He takes school assemblies, and runs special...

  • Profile picture of the elder

    David Fisher


    David became a Christian when he was 17 and has been involved in local churches in the Isle of Man...

  • Daniel Hankore

    Ethiopia (Wycliffe Bible Translators)

    Daniel completed his PhD studies in Kenya in 2010 and is a translation consultant with Wycliffe Bible Translators and is...

  • Yeldall Manor


    Yeldall is a local residential Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre. One of our members was on the Yeldall staff...

  • Colin & Brenda Salter


    Colin was previously the pastor at Blenheim Free Church. Since then he has worked for Ambassadors for Christ in the...

  • Chris Spackman


    Chris was converted through the Crusader Bible Class movement.  He is a chemical engineer and worked in the technical and...

  • Sudan

    We support a Christian worker in Khartoum, Sudan. He serves the churches by training pastors, teachers and many lay people...

  • Vivian Lee

    Women and Families Worker

    Vivian is married to Andrew and has two sons. She became a Christian when she was fourteen. She worked as...