Women and Families Worker

Vivian is married to Andrew and has two sons. She became a Christian when she was fourteen. She worked as a pharmaceutical researcher before becoming a secondary Science teacher. She is involved in reaching out to women and families in the area.

  • Profile photo of an elder

    Andrew Chan


    Andrew became a Christian while he was studying for a degree in London. He was involved in the Chinese Church...

  • Peter Cranch


    Peter is married to Debbie and they have four young children. He became a Christian when he was nine years...

  • Wayne Dixon

    UK (CCiS)

    Wayne works for Christian Connections in Schools (CCiS) in Maidenhead, Windsor and Slough. He takes school assemblies, and runs special...

  • Profile picture of the elder

    David Fisher


    David became a Christian when he was 17 and has been involved in local churches in the Isle of Man...

  • Daniel Hankore

    Ethiopia (Wycliffe Bible Translators)

    Daniel completed his PhD studies in Kenya in 2010 and is a translation consultant with Wycliffe Bible Translators and is...

  • Albella Boys Home


    Albella is located in Kalimpong in northern India. It is a home for Nepali and some Indian and Tibetan boys...

  • Yeldall Manor


    Yeldall is a local residential Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre. One of our members was on the Yeldall staff...

  • Colin & Brenda Salter


    Colin was previously the pastor at Blenheim Free Church. Since then he has worked for Ambassadors for Christ in the...

  • Chris Spackman


    Chris was converted through the Crusader Bible Class movement.  He is a chemical engineer and worked in the technical and...

  • Sudan

    We support a Christian worker in Khartoum, Sudan. He serves the churches by training pastors, teachers and many lay people...