26 June 2017
This month we looked at Jesus’ parable of the Great Banquet from Luke 14. It’s a wonderful picture of heaven as a great feast and the free welcome to everyone who accepts Jesus’ offer. The parable is also a warning, however, that those who refuse Jesus’ invitation will be shut out from the feast.
We did lots of activities related to the story.
We made excuse generating machines to fit in with the excuses made in the parable. Some of the boxes were filled in and some left blank for the children’s ideas. They really enjoyed this and thought making wild new excuses was very funny! They decorated the outside of the Excuse-o-Matic. Here’s a downloadable pdf of the design.
Decorated Mugs
The children decorated mugs suitable for a great banquet. We bought white mugs and the children drew designs using Sharpie pens. The picture can be fixed in place by baking for 30 minutes in a hot oven. To prevent cracking place the mugs in the cold oven as it heats up.
Fruit Kebabs
We made fruit kebabs suitable for a great banquet. These were eaten later for tea!
Wedding Heart
When invited to the banquet one man made the excuse that he’d just got married. We decorated hearts and gave them to people we love.
Play Dough Feast
Play dough is always popular. This month we made favourite food for our feast.
Dressing up
To get ready for the feast the children had to dress up! We had a great collection of dressing up clothes – both serious and silly!